symliablog ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆

keep it simple! o7


so i've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and something that really kinda popped out to me recently was the fact that i overthink a lot. it's very much something i'd love to stop doing, but i feel like from my long history of having to do it because of xyz reasons, now it feels difficult to learn to turn off.

its gotten easier, lately. but it still feels like a sisyphean task at times. i say this all to say that i'm mostly typing this out as some sort of declarative, stating that i want to simplify those fractions and not think so much.

i mostly get like this when it involves my art— thinking about every minute detail, worrying about how to go about things, when to do things, sucking the fun out of it.. it's a direct symptom of becoming a recovering workaholic, honestly. (something that i'll probably get into another time.)
i want to make that effort to just. no thoughts, just do. it makes so many things simpler for me, but i just have difficulty doing it, at times. and it stresses me out!!
but, if i keep at it, i can catch myself when i start to overthink, and start there.

let's try, at least! o7

#rambles #thoughts